Tuesday 30 May 2006


the pick of my photos are here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andyboyh/

the main set of my photos are here: http://www.hagane.org.uk/japan

Sunday 28 May 2006


been up for 6 hours, back of my ankles are killing me and my back is 'twinging' every so often. Want to do something with my last day, but the way I'm feeling (not healthy) I'd be hobbling around Shibuya - no fun, and Akiba would be just as bad.

So instead I've been sat watching Densha Otoko on YouTube and slowly packing. Later I'll hobble round the corner to the local convenience store and grab food and drink but I suspect my last day in Tokyo is going to be more or less hotel-room bound. _|-|O

Tuesday 16 May 2006

Nikko Arrival

local time: 21:37

arrived in Nikko 4 hours ago... staying in the nice Park Lodge Nikko, with a friendly owner and friendly staff. Journey to Nikko from Tokyo was nondescript *although Kate I rode on the Tsubasa shinkansen* :)

Aside from that Nikko looks a bit Silent Hill - grey and daunting... hopefully tomorrow will be less eerie :)

Thursday 20 April 2006

Gaijin Invasion

I miss Adam and Joe... I wonder what they're doing now?

Saturday 1 April 2006

April the first stuff

Slashdot goes pink to appeal to it's women users.
Joystiq's future in 2010
Bob Ross, the afro haired, critter loving painter announced a DS and revolution game. I seriously hope this is an april fools to be fair.
Thinkgeek got in early, with 1up mushrooms, etc on march 30th. Clever guys, real clever. Remember that it's goods for smart asses.
Google romance beta missed the boat for Feb 14th...

general linkage
Cats in Sinks is scary but cute.
Kitten War - Kitten VS Kitten in a fight to the diabetic injections to find out who the cutest is. Links to the top 10 winners.
Neko Coneko from Azumanga Diaoh, but with real kittens.
A japanese rabbit - the twitching, so kawaii